2019 spending challenge!!!

Photo by Fabian Blank on Unsplash

I'm retiring in one year at age 35, and I'm setting a 2019 spending goal to get things started right. In the New Year, I'm going to post my spending here each month to keep myself accountable. Want to join the challenge?? It'll be fun, and as a bonus you'll get rich!

The Challenge:
  1. Spend no more than $1,000* each month in 2019.
  2. The $1,000 includes everything (rent, bills, groceries, travel, etc.).
  3. If you spend more than $1,000 in a given month, you can redeem yourself by spending less than $1,000 the following month. If total spending for the year is $12,000 or less, you've won the challenge.
  4. Invest all money you don't spend.
Just this month, I got my cell phone bill down to $0/month, and I also passed on a trip to Europe in the New Year. So I'm off to a good start!

If you're joining the challenge with me, good luck, and happy saving!!!

*Use whatever amount makes sense for you, but make sure it'll be a challenging amount!
