march (over)spending report!

Best Before by Jesse Stewart @ the Ottawa Art Gallery — see end of blog post for a zoom in and read the caption for some truth tea :)


March was an anomaly because I was away half the month.

I spent 12 days in the Philippines for a funeral. I'm grateful I was able to spend time with family to celebrate my grandma-in-law's life. My father-in-law generously paid for his family's flights (including mine), which I appreciate so much.

I also spent 4 days in Ottawa for work meetings. I managed to make an extra $1,000 on this trip. Thanks to the Boeing incident, my flight was way overbooked, and the airline gave me $800 cash to volunteer my seat. Because this was for work, I received a food stipend. But rather than spending it, I brought my own food, so I pocketed another $200. 

Whenever I wasn't in meetings, I spent time visiting a friend who moved to Ottawa a few years ago. We played board games and my friend cooked delicious dishes from his home province in India. When I had a free afternoon, I visited the Ottawa Art Gallery, which has some really kick ass installations (my fave is the one pictured in this post), and unlike the more popular art gallery in Ottawa, it's free. (see the caption in the picture below for some truth about overconsumption—very fitting for this blog!)

Back home in Alberta, I celebrated my 6-monthiversary with my wife by going for all-you-can-eat sushi and a movie (Us). We used up most of our food in the pantry and the freezer in previous months, so our grocery bill is going to start looking a bit closer to normal now.

Here's everything I spent in March:

  • Philippines: $282.02 (mostly giving cash gifts to my wife's nieces and nephews, and a bit on food)
  • Restaurants: $23.51
  • Movie theatre: $3.60
  • Groceries: $114.8 (including $21 worth of pecans haha)
  • Social committee at work: $60 (for full year)
  • Subtotal of variable spending: $483.93

  • Subtotal of fixed expenses (rent, insurance, utilities, interwebs, phone, and Netflix): $485

Grand total of all March expenses: $483.93 + $485 = $968.93

I failed my $700 challenge this month (but at least I offset it by making an extra $1,000 on my Ottawa trip haha). Hoping to do better in April!

"Stewart used thousands of bread tags to create Best Before (2019), a title which refers to our current situation: we are at an environmental tipping point. Amassed over many years by the artist, this piece invites refection on our consumer habits and the plastic debris discarded every year by the average household."

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